A Soi Dog Case Study: The story of Naonao
If you've ever wondered why Fetch Roasters works with an organization all the way across the globe, this story may help. Soi Dog Foundation is amazing. They don't only rescue dogs, work to stop the dog meat trade, and spay and neuter thousands of animals (among other things). They also have volunteers all over the world who pitch in to help. Soi Dog USA is the branch of volunteers in the United States who help coordinate efforts. I hope you'll follow them on social media to read more about them!
Here's an example of their great work:
There is no doubt that Naonao is lucky to be alive.
This gorgeous girl was brutally stabbed. Her intestines were outside her body when she was found on the streets of Phuket. Naonao was dying.
Hers is one of the most horrendous cases we’ve seen. She could easily have bled out on the streets of Phuket. Naonao needed emergency surgery followed by close monitoring and medication to prevent infection.
But thankfully Naonao’s story has a very happy ending, because of people like you who care. She got the life-saving treatment she needed and the love and care she required from our dedicated staff. And then, not long after her amazing recovery, this brave girl’s story caught the eye of a partner rescue organization.
Naonao flew to the USA in September 2020 and soon found the perfect family to provide her with a safe and loving home and a new life full of adventure. We couldn’t be happier for Naonao, and are eternally grateful to Soi Dog supporters like you for enabling us to save her life.
But without more resources to take care of new incoming animals and your help to get adopted animals to their forever homes, the next animal like Naonao may not be quite so lucky. We truly never want to say no to an animal in need. Please donate today to change the world for more dogs like Naonao.
Below are some photos of Naonao receiving care and with her new forever family. We did not include the initial injury photos due the the very graphic and disturbing content of her injury. For more stories like Naonao's, and to learn more about SoiDogUSA, please follow them @soidogusa.